About Us

The physicians of Low Country Cancer Care are specialists in the treatment and prevention of cancer and blood disorders. Low Country Cancer Care is devoted to the care of our patients as well as the prevention and eradication of these types of diseases.

Your Partners in Care

As we become partners in your healthcare, you can expect:

  • The most current medical knowledge and treatment available
  • Education about your specific treatment
  • Psychological and emotional support
  • Access to community resources and support groups
  • Access to clinical trials and research protocols

You are an active and critical member of our partnership. There may be times during your treatment when you may become puzzled by what we are doing or why we are doing it. We believe knowledge empowers you to take control of your healthcare issues. Our physicians and entire staff welcome the opportunity to answer your questions. Timely and effective communication strengthens our partnership.

Low Country Cancer Care Code of Ethics

We strive to combine the activities of patient care, prevention, education, and research to benefit our patients. We adhere to the following moral principles to guide our service and bond our patients and staff together in the difficult task of contending with cancer.

  • Respect for the people for whom we are privileged to care for is our primary concern.
  • Such respect affirms the value and dignity of life.
  • Our goal is to cure disease, reduce suffering and achieve an acceptable quality of life, as defined by the patient with the help of healthcare professionals; the presence of cancer may justify, but not demand heroic measures.
  • Diagnosing cancer is not just an identification of a disease, but may carry with it serious emotional, social, and financial burdens for patients and those close to them. This includes the burden of making and living with difficult choices. It is our responsibility to offer support and assistance by providing patients and those close to them with the information they need to make decisions.
  • Patient information is confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. All information must be recorded accurately and communicated responsibly. Access brings an obligation to protect patient privacy and personal interests.
  • Through clinical prevention services and education, we strive to reduce the incidence of cancer and serve people who may never be our patients.
  • We commit ourselves to further progress against cancer by sharing knowledge, skills, and ethical values. We who serve in this practice have specific roles and responsibilities yet are equal in our capacity to serve our patients and individually bear an obligation to our patients.
  • Cancer therapy, prevention, education, and research are costly endeavors demanding conscientious stewardship. Every effort will be made through all means to provide quality of care to each patient.